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About Us

Journal of Turkish Academic Novelty (tan) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal that started its publication life in 2024 and aims to publish academic, quantitative and qualitative studies in line with universal scientific criteria regarding the field of social sciences.


2024 as of the year June and December planning to publish issues in dawn may publish a special issue once a year, subject to early announcement.

The journal is published in Turkish and English.

Our journal is an open access journal working for the free circulation and dissemination of knowledge.

Articles uploaded to the journal are scanned by the iThenticate plagiarism program and the single source similarity rate is determined.5%, all source similarity ratio20%Studies exceeding 10% are rejected without being included in the referee process.

Our Article Acceptance Areas:

  • Psychology

  • History

  • Labor Economics and Industrial Relations

  • econometrics

  • Law

  • Economy

  • Business

  • Public administration

  • Finance

  • Accounting and Finance

  • Political Science

  • Sociology

  • history of art

  • International relations

  • international trade

  • Communication

  • Public relations

  • educational Sciences

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